Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Extending unemployment insurance

The job market within our economy has not been doing well lately. The unemployment rate has been increasing in the past few years. The amount of unemployed persons within the United States is still growing to this day. When there are so many people who continue to lose their jobs something needs to be done. Our own people are on their own to fend for themselves and come up with a way to pay for the cost of living.

This week the senate brought up a bill that would extend the unemployment insurance for persons unemployed in our country. This help from the government is for long term unemployed American citizens. It will consist of tax breaks and extend health insurance subsidies for the unemployed. It will give unemployment checks out to the long term unemployed past the original twenty six week unemployment packages. According to and the estimated cost of this extension will be about $66 billion. This will add to the already $1.6 trillion budget.

It seems to me that there are not many people supporting this bill outside of the democrats. They say that this bill is going to renew many tax cuts. They also say that this bill will help to preserve jobs in this emergency state. Another point was that it is heartless to stop helping out the unemployed and to cut these people off. The comment from the White House Press secretary about the bill was “This is one more step forward as we fight to get American people back to work and support families that have been hit the hardest in these economic times”.

With all of this said I cannot agree. I know that unemployment is a big problem; however, there is no need to just keep handing out money to the unemployed. People need to get jobs to get out of the situation that they are in. If they are just being supplied money than many people will not work towards making money. They will just continue to get money handed to them. This bill does not talk about helping create jobs or finding more jobs for the unemployed it only gives out money to them. How does this help in the long run? This bill is only acting in the here and now, not for the future. The billions that would go into this would not be worth it if it only puts us more in debt in the long run and doesn’t create jobs for these unemployed people. This bill shows many of the stimulious bill qualities from last year, which did not help our economy very much. Do we really want to put ourselves more in debt with a bill that only helps within the moment??????

1 comment:

Micius said...

You're right, if you're going to spend 66 billion dollars, you should at least create a few jobs with it. Why should the government hand out money freely when it could get something out of it? I know more than a handful of agencies are desperate for additional staff.