Monday, April 12, 2010

Democratic lead Congress may fail to produce a budget for the following fiscal year.

This link goes to an article about the very real possibility that Congress will fail to produce a budget for the following fiscal year by memorial day when their session ends. I believe this is not a responsible act by congress because of the track record our government has had recently. A track record, which consists of huge spending measures and bailouts that have further expanded our growing national debt. Though a passed budget by congress is essentially non-binding the article bring up a good comparison about a family that doesn't review their financial situation for the following year. Problems can arise if an idea about how much money is available and how much should be spent is not discussed because then overspending can occur. The Democrats are not exactly in any rush to push for a passed budget because of the republicans anxiousness to call out democrats if the budget involves increased spending or increased taxes. I think that congress needs to pass a budget and that they should feel that it is their responsibility to pass a budget that will help decrease our national debt. Congress in general whether they are republicans or democrats have helped over the past ten years increase our debt to soaring hights and now for only the fourth time in history Congress will most likely not pass a budget. Whether or not it is binding I would feel better about my government if they can at least attempt to be fiscally responsible.

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