Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Top senators introduce comprehensive energy bill

On Wensday Senator Lieberman and Senator Kerry introduced a new bill aimed at bettering the environment and pursuit of renewable energy. The bill is aimed at cutting American greenhouse emissions by half and helping reduce Amercian foregin energy dependence for oil. This bill is looking promising with the support of President Obama and many well known memebers guiding into the senate.
Senator majority leader Reid opposed the bill because he would like to see the issue of immigration to be top priority.This statement caused some senators to back out of drafting proposal, most notable is Senator Graham of Soth Carolina. Supporters of the bill that any more postponment of making renewable energy a priority will result in the U.S loosing out in the competitive renewable energy market and will keep sending more and more money overseas.
The Bill also calls for more clean coal and nuclear energy. Senator Kerry says the bill would give consumers back two-thirds of the proposal's revenue that isn't dedicated to deficit reduction. The bill is aimed at pointing America in the rite direction by giving incentives to coal companies to clean it up and other industries so that we can maintain a low carbon system.Obama say th bill wil prodoce job defecit and help us compete more in the global economy.The bil leads the way for other countries to see how we need to reduce harmful emmisions because our climate is changing and some of these changes are really extreme like the melting of the ice caps.
This bill in my eyes is awesome. I am a strong believer in alternative energy because there is only so much oil in the world and we are consuming so much of it fastly. Our air is becoming polluting along with water sources. Things need to be done or over the next one hundred years our planet is not going to be sustainable to our population because we destroyed our environment,used up the oil, polluted the air to the point that it is heating up the earth and causing major climate change.We need to lead the way in demonstrating more concern for the environment and I hope this is the first step in many more to come so we can make the world cleaner and sustainable


Cory Flack said...

This bill is a great start to allowing President Obama to come closer to keeping his campaign promises of "going green". I am worried however, that the two Senators sponsoring this bill might be so unpopular with the Republican minority that this will become another Healthcare-like lightning rod. Luckily there is some hope that people in the general electorate are seeing the horrible effects of the BP catastrophe so hunger for change might just be translated into public outrage. I hope that this bill gets the ball rolling and we can create jobs in the green sector, we desperately need to wean ourselves off of foreign oil both for economic and national security reasons.

Erin Ryan said...

I think it is unfortunate that these two key issues are battling with one another. As far as I am concerned, the reason we have a problem with immigration is because we cannot truly enforce it without proper enforcement with the laws already in place. Renewable energy will not only help the environment but will create jobs and help the economy, so for me, immigration can take a back seat.

MightyQuinn said...

The bill is start but lacks any real substance. First off "Clean Coal" and Nuclear Energy are the two worst forms of alternative energy. Their in such thing as clean coal and nuclear energy is not the answer. We need to devote our resources into producing real forms of alternative energy that is sustainable such as wind, hydro, geothermal, solar, and wave.