Monday, February 28, 2011

Iranian Opposition Arrested

Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, first under house arrest, have been taken by security forces. Their wives were forced to accompany then, and none have been seen or heard from since. Their location of detainment has yet to be identified, but it is speculated that they have become the latest occupants of the Heshmatiyeh jail in Tehran.

Mir Hossein Mousavi was the key figure of opposition to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Though he is not by any means a liberal, his conservative views are not nearly as extreme as President Ahmadinejad. He went as far as to break with Iranian political tradition and be seen holding his wife's hand during campaigning. Through various interviews, Mousavi made it clear that he thought Iran was in horrible danger if Ahmadinejad received another term. That could be one of the reasons he and Mehdi Karroubi called for peaceful demonstrations.

Mehdi Karroubi, former conciliator and presidential candidate in the discredited 2009 Iranian election, has played a strong hand in continuing to encourage protesters to voice their opposition to the government. While Karroubi supported the protests that began with the demand for reform within the government, he has continued to play a role when the demand for reform changed for one of revolution.

With Mousavi and Karroubi under arrest, the Iranian government could find itself in a better position to deal with suppression without having to endure a voice for those who are silenced. There is no indication that the level of activity of security forces will be reduced, and the protesters are finding themselves united but without further guidance. The next protest is scheduled for Tuesday; but without a strong voice from a leader, their efforts have a greater risk of clashing with security.


jmfarrell said...

I agree with you that without a strong voice from a leader the protestors maybe in danger of security. Maybe they should represent one of the protestors who has some sort of voice in leadership to accomplish something.

Molly said...

This post is really helpful. Unfortunately, despite the hostility many Americans display toward Iran, the vast majority of the public is unaware of Iranian political issues. With more information about the different figures and the reasons behind the protesting, hopefully people can have more informed opinions

SWood said...

What is sad is that the american people hear the word Iran and immediately think evil muslim suicide bombers. It is such a completely and totally ignorant view of a country that it embarasses me anytime a political conversation arises in america between people that don't have the facts about the issue at hand.Americans couldn't care less about Iranian rights and that means less of a look into what that government is doing to its people, good and bad. I do hope one day americans have less of an isolationist mentality and start to care about other nations instead of charlie sheen, maybe thats too much to hope for.

Spensir said...

Hopefully they overthrow the theocracy/republic thing they currently have. I wonder how far along they could be today if we hadn't overthrown Mosaddegh. But NOO, he leans left, kill it with fire..