Thursday, April 7, 2011

Anti-Muslim Sentiments

I have seen it grow stronger and stronger in the past few years, and seen it grow to a point where it's almost a bit frightening. It's racism on every single level, and the fact that so many go along with these deluded ideas is outrageous. I recently read an article that highlighted extremely racist comments towards Muslim people; they even went as far to say that they should be "exterminated like rodents." This new "Terrorism Hearing" that will be taking place tomorrow is just forcing more Americans to believe that all Muslims, even American Muslims, have been "radicalized" and want to wipe us out. During this Terrorism Hearing, there will be an array of different testimonies, one of which includes a woman, Egyptian born, who was taught to "hate Americans and Israeli's" during her years in school.

These types of attacks on Muslims is not HELPING the issue whatsoever, if anything, it's simply making people even more paranoid and panicky. This hatred for Muslims isn't going to be solved by holding hearings to help solidify the anti-Muslim sentiments. The general public has little to know knowledge of what being a true Muslim means, and only sees the fundamentalists and extremists that our media portrays, but no one ever sees the good. With all of the problems that the world has no-a-days, we should be focusing on the positive within cultures, and show this country that not everyone is out to get us. Running stories like this "Terrorism Hearing" on the New York Times makes people believe that it's something to be worried about right now, and simply adds another strike against an entire population of people.

Not only does deepen Americans hatred/fear of Muslims, it also makes us look even worse to the Muslim world, and our own Muslims. We shouldn't be alienating our own people; people that were born in this country, people that are Americans, but simply practice a religion that is foreign to most Americans. I find all of these stereotypical and radical views of Muslims to be offensive and it needs to stop in order for this country to fully understand the impact of their hatred. Unfortunately, this country always needs someone else to blame for the problems, and tend to really nag at a point even if it should have died down. I can only hope that these "Terrorism Hearings" aren't something that will be happening very often, and I hope that the American people don't buy into these stunts.


jmfarrell said...

I agree with you, all the Anti-Muslim feelings in America are not helping anyone at all. I think that in order for this to change the American media needs to potray Muslims postively.

JackieD12788 said...

i completely agree with you.. i had actually posted something about the ludacris nature of half of these accusations/ suggestions. if you get a chance, look up "Act for America" on youtube. it is literally absurd, and like you said, "quite frightening".

dabennett said...

I agree with you...I feel like America is grouping all Muslims together as terrorists. We are simply fearing something we don't understand. There are some extremists that are terrorists, however, we cannot blame all people who are Muslim for terrorism.

Nicole said...

That video was frightening. I felt as if the narrator was trying to brainwash me into believing their twisted nonsense.

Holy crap, I can't believe that so many people actually BELIEVE that garbage.

SWood said...

Are we surprised that americans act like this towards muslims? Our nation has been discriminating against anyone different since the native americans. We hated the irish and the italians when they immigrated here, we put asians in concentration camps after december 7th 1941 because of fear. This should have been expected. We as a nation are fat and happy and are afraid of our own shadow. These terrorism claims will continue for years. Ask any american on the street to describe one aspect of the muslim faith and they will be stumped. This is the land of the free and the home of the racist. I for one am embarassed, I wish every american could visit a muslim nation and see how the religion appears then. A peaceful community were people dont steal, they are humble, they dont drink or swear. Its actually quite embarassing to be an american in that situation but hey lets build the walls higher and be afraid of everything that doesnt look like us, what a wonderful way to live.

Molly said...

I agree. Anti-Muslim fervor has reached a fever pitch in the Western world, especially in France, where women are actually being arrested for wearing veils

Spensir said...

I'm not surprised at all. Western religions are extremely exclusionary especially concerning the other Abrahamic religions. The Protestants don't like the Catholics, and neither like the Mormons and so on and so forth. If I wanted to believe in something it would be humankind, though even that is being a bit too optimistic.

elmorgani said...

The fact that education on diversity is lacking in America is the leading cause of these sentiments. The alienation goes back to the we versus them theory that Americans are so quick to implement in their to their morals and beliefs. The sad fact that racism and discrimination is still in full force is a very large problem that needs to be adressed early on. We have this culture that I do believe is caused by the medias approach to reporting on events and our public that is willing to polarized themselves and accept any media report as true. Its the same story of hearing that one person who abuses food stamps or collection of unemployment. Because there were a select few terrorists that were muslims we assume that all individuals are are muslims are terrorists. Education at a young age is our only option to combat these sentiments, the more individuals we have that accept their way of life, their culture and traditions, the less terrorist acts we will see in the future.