Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Chris Christie 2016 Presidential Bid

          Chris Christie has hit the ground running on his 2016 election campagin, With a long history of intrest in New Hampshire Christie shows that he understands how much power winning the first primary in the nation has over his political campaign After having been part of a few scandals, such as bridgegate (the closure of the George Washington Bridge) as well as another investigation involving Christie's role in firing Hunterdon County Assistant Prosecutor Bennett Barlyn, Christie has remained silent untill recently when he announced his candidacy for president in the 2016 election.
          In a speech he made in Washington DC Christie criticized Obama's and House Democrat's foregin poilcy decissions regarding both the Keystone Pipeline (a oil pipeline that would connect the Gulf of Mexico to Canada) and normalizing diplomatic relations with Cuba. The pipeline he said was being handled in an "insulting" manner, and that the US was not acting in a diplomatically friendly manner towards Canada. He said of Cuba that relations shouldn't be normalized because Cuba is a nation "that denies civil rights and freedoms to their people". It seems unwise to me for him to openly take such harsh stances on partisan issues such as these, the reason being that he shouldn't want to look like such a hardline republican and cause moderates and undeclared voters to back away from his campaign, expecially after leaving a period of political weakness brought on by his involvement in scandalous events.
          Another issue facing Christie's future in the 2016 election is his approval rating. Currently only about 38% of NJ voters approve of Christie's Job performance, as well as 65% of his constituents saying that he would not make a good president. If Christie has such a poor rapport with his constituency it seems like his chances at making a successful run for president are extreemly low. Though that may be why he has spent so much time in New Hampshire
         Because we maintain the first in the nation primary Christie has spent a considerable amount of time and money here in the state campagining for other republican representatives such as Walt Haverstein in his bid for Governor in 2014. And in short no other candidate has spent nearly as much time trying to convince the NH voter of their legitimacy as Governor Chrisie has. Though I personally believe that Governor Christie has a very slim chance of becoming the Republican candidate 2016 only time will tell if he can compete with the other Republican hopefuls.



phil w said...

I thought Christie would have been a good candidate but the scandals really make me lose confidence. What I look for in a president is someone who is looking to work with both sides for the betterment of the American population and these scandals really make me lose faith. It will be interesting to see how he does in the first primary.

laustan said...

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