Monday, April 27, 2015

Will the next President please stand up?

Time now, of course, for presidential politics in New Hampshire! Hilary Clinton was just in the State, as well as all the other Republican candidates. 2016 is going to involve quite the show, all the campaign ads a side. But this is certainly no game! Certain candidates would love to see the nuclear negotiations with Iran fail, Obamacare stripped down or reversed, and student grants eliminated and refinancing more difficult. Scandals are already starting to appear also with revelations about the Clinton foundation accepting millions of dollars from parties interested in the transfer of one of the largest uranium producers in the U.S. from a Canadian to a Russian company. No doubt will the Republican primary be contentious with the long list of candidates already in the mix, but with only one declared Democratic frontrunner, it's quite difficult to predict how the field will be in one month, much less the primary results. Much will boil down to the primary and candidate debates, leading up to the election, along with the usual campaign gaffs and controversies that spring up out of the wellspring of human error. Source:


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You bring up a lot of good issues that we'll be hearing more about soon. Unfortunately we'll also see a lot more personal attacks and party bashing than candidates actually elaborating on what their plans are in office.

MdHttr said...

I am very interested to see the debates and differences between the Democratic candidates, specifically Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. I am really torn between the two of them.

phil w said...

It will be interesting to see who is going to come out as the front runner in both parties. As well as their plans for Americas future.