Monday, May 9, 2016

Hillary can create a lot of progressive change, will she?

Hillary Clinton is guaranteed the nominee, provided some information or legal claims do not surface which will indite her on criminal charges. As but surely, so is Donald Trump. The question remains how progressive will her agenda actually be. To combat Bernie and his left wing supporters, Clinton made very evident strides to move her agenda left in order to steal some of Bernie's thunders. Altogether keeping her moderate voters bloc intact due to her reputation, while also garnering those voters who will #nevertrump. Now that Trump is the nominee, in debate season does she still need to appeal to her leftist voters? Easily she can defeat Trump based on his character, inexperience, among other factors. She can win this election without deferring to policy.

If she were to stick to her leftist agenda, she would need landslides to enact it. In our history, presidents who have done massive change have gathered this through other factors. Lincoln enacted massive change because the Democrats were in secession. FDR enacted massive change through the rallying past the depression, and Lyndon Johnson took control of an economic boom, plus a Kennedy assassination to create a lot of liberal momentum. Hillary has this chance. If she can crush Trump, predictably the house races might lean left giving the Democrats a majority. If the Democrats can really gather a majority with a huge landslide due to a divisive Republican nominee and historically low approval ratings, the change our country needs (arguably) seems very plausible. Will Hillary do this? Her core seems moderate, but she has shifted noticeably left this campaign. How real is this? We all know her reputation....Another factor that could jeopardize this is that the Democratic party is much more divided then we realize, to a point that was not the case in the past. If the Bernie supporters stay home, Clinton will have a much tougher battle on her hand and the House swaying might not come to fruition. The bottom line is that if the Bernie supports fully get behind Hillary, the change we desire can happen. The Democratic party needs to come together and take advantage of how weak the Republicans are now. This is our chance.

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