Friday, April 7, 2017

Can or Should the U.S Help

It’s been six years since the Syrian war began...six years and a death toll of an estimated 470,000 deaths from a think-tank, but the fight continues (Why is there a war in Syria,2017). This has been the largest refugee crisis since the Rwandan Genocide in 1994. With the large volumes of people being murdered and the ones who are able to flee to become refugees, the situation is a nightmare. Many different countries have had responses to what is happening with some giving assistance to the slaughtering of innocent human life. Russia is one such country participating in this travesty; they’re helping with the airstrikes taking place in aid of Assad, that is killing men, women and children in masses.
Our previous President didn’t do enough to protect these people, to aid them in ending this war, and this administration should be called on to do so. It has gotten beyond a point where any nation in the world should be able to look past. A humanitarian and refugee crisis is happening right before our eyes, life is precious and we need to do more. Assistance needs to be provided by such a powerful country as the United States, we need to support the rebels and helping the fleeing families.
It’s my feeling that the United States isn’t taking this atrocity serious enough.  It’s as if it doesn't matter because it isn't affecting us directly and in that we dehumanize this group of people. “It doesn't take much to read between the lines of random visa checks and the prioritisation of Christians. People like us only, please” (Malik, 2015). This shows our schemata about muslims, about our blatant fears that our government shows us, that all of these people must be bad. The only time we really have something to say is when it comes to taking in refugees, we label these people terrorist and don't want to let them find sanctuary in our homeland. Just in our last presidential campaign, our now President said “If I win, they’re going back,” when asked about Syrian Refugee’s (Cook, 2016). The people who are refugees are desperate people just trying to survive.  They are human. Their lives should never be a political move and it shouldn't be a way to sway the vote. Politician’s influence the attitude of it’s citizens and with 31 states saying they wouldn’t accept refugees (NH included), that sets the stage for citizen’s also becoming opposed. This decision and attitude towards not wanting to admit refugees came as a result of the Paris Terrorist Attack where they found Syrian passports.
Politics is involved in all aspects of our life; but what role do you believe politics should play when a crime like what is happening in Syria is taking place? American’s love to say we're taking in too many refugees, to send them back, don’t take anymore, let’s help ourselves only.  I know my family says simple things like this. A good reference to the fact that the U.S is hardly doing anything to aid Syrian’s is shown in this article by CNN. The United States has barely taken in any refugees compared to many other countries.  However, out of these countries that have taken in a large number; how many have actually turned out to be as bad as people like Donald Trump are trying to make arguments for? Watching human beings being killed for absolutely no reason should put into perspective what our government needs to do and what the right thing to do is; it’s time we don’t let the Syrian’s down again.

Some links to look at to maybe help develop your own opinions are:


Cook, J. (2016, October 25). 7 Lies Donald Trump Has Spread About Syrian Refugees Entering
The U.S. Retrieved April 05, 2017, from

Why is there a war in Syria? (2017, March 13). Retrieved April 04, 2017, from

The Drum By Sarah Malik. (2015, September 07). Syrian refugee crisis: This is about
humanity, not religion. Retrieved April 05, 2017, from


Connor Doherty said...

Since your post, obviously the orders of President Trump have been received from Syria. I agree that we should intervene as we did. The quote that perfectly describes this situation is, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere".

Unknown said...
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