Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Gingrich for President?

The former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has said that there is a very good chance he will run for the presidency in the 2008 election. He does not know for sure, but sates that it will only be after September if he chooses to do so. "I think right now that it is a great possibility," Gingrich said. "I don't want to get into all this stuff. I want to focus on what we have to do to make America successful."

In September, Gingrich plans to hold a workshop where he will find solutions to the problems this country is facing, and then will decided whether or not to actually run. Since Gingrich has left Congress in 1998 after the Republicans lost a seat in the elections, he has been busy writing his first historical novel about Pearl Harbor.

I am curious as to everyone's opinion on joinging the race so late. Is he going to be too far behind with campaiginng at that point? He has already missed debates, and will not have near enough time to travel around the country making speeches in different areas in order to gain te support of voters. Is the fact that he was in fact the Speaker of the House going to not put him as far behind as many of the other's that are running? What are his chances of success after being out of COngress for so long, and possibly entering the race so far behind?

1 comment:

trustee06 said...

I really don't think he's entering teh race that late - I mean the election is over a year away! He may be bette off holding out a little longer, getting some more capital and go into the race with a bang?!