Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shut up Already...

I don't know about anyone else but I'm sick of hearing about Obama's former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright. If anyone has been living under a rock the past few months here's a quick update. Wright used to be the pastor at Trinity Baptist Church, where Obama and his family worship. Thanks to the digital world we live in (youtube) some of Wright's sermons began floating around on the Internet. In these sermons Wright made some comments along the lines of 9/11 was god punishing America and that the government invented AIDS to keep the black community impoverished. Wright claims these comments were taken out of context, and yes it could be seen that way, but regardless these are some pretty inflammatory statements to make while your in the pulpit. This all happened a couple of months ago. It had seemed that Obama had dodged a bullet by delivering one of the most poignant speeches on race relations in quite some time. Surprise! Wright is back in the news and making headlines. In a recent appearance Wright called Obama "un-american" for trying to distance himself from the fire-breathing preacher. Last time i checked Obama was catching heat for not distancing himself enough. Either way Wright is stirring up quite a controversy. It seems as if Wright is trying to piggyback Obama's rise to the top. What he dosent realize is that hes so full of crap he is going to sink them both. Thankfully John McCain and Hillary have stepped in. McCain recently did his part by writing a letter to the GOP in North Carolina asking them nicely to please not run ads linking the states democratic, Obama supporting candidates to Rev. Wright. Thank you John McCain, you have saved the day. Oh wait, no you haven't, according to Hillary Clinton you should have done more. Why in the world is this even an issue, how is a church in Chicago linked to Democratic candidates in North Carolina? Maybe if the media, the desperate for attention shemale, and the oldest resident of the golden senate retirement community hadn't made a fuss about it in the first place this would have been seen for the trivial garbage that it is.

1 comment:

Justin said...

i agree, obama and his connection to Write was completely blown out of proportion.