Thursday, May 15, 2008

End of the year

Well nothing like waiting until the very last minute to post on here! I am writing about the endorsement of Obama from Edwards, like we didn't know it was going to happen. I am quite happy with the endorsement. I feel like this will help allow the American public start to side with one nominee instead of fighting to see who will get the party bid. It is important for the democrats to start siding together to fight against the republican party who has all the time in the world to raise money and grief against the dems in office. With this election people seem to think that either the democrats have it in the bag or else they are most assuredly going to loose, and I am unsure whether this is good or bad for it will either drive voters out in record numbers again much like it did during the primary or it can keep voters in with the idea of 'our vote wont count anyway.' Hopefully, people realize that the need for a president of the democratic party is more important than candidate loyalty. All i keep hearing about on CNN and several other news networks is that, Obama's people wont vote for Hillary, or vice-versa. Honestly, either of them is a much better choice then the alternative.

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