Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hillary's BIG Problem

I guess it was clear which Democrat ended up raising more money this primary season. Hillary Clinton's campaign actually has her in over 20 million dollars worth of debt. She's donated herself about 11.4 million. As of right now nobody in her campaign network has any idea how they are going to address paying off the enormous debt .What can she do to pay that debt off, well she's already talked about transferring some of the debt to her Senate Re-election effort, but she owes alot of money to alot of people. One of her foreseeable options is looking to her adversary Obama for monetary support. He has been able to raise money in an unprecedented way this election. Its not like Obama can just give Clinton a bag full of cash, instead he would have to start asking his supporters to start donating to the Clinton campaign. Some incentive for him to do this for party unity. Obviously if Obama is willing to donate his money to her campaign he understands that Clinton is basically bowing out to him and thanking him for the help. It's not too crazy that another candidate helps the losing candidate out with the bills, but the bills have never been so high. Clinton doesn't have too much time left either to act. Mccain's bill on presidential election reform that passed within recent years prevents candidates from accepting any more money than 250,000 after the Party Conventions. The odds seem to be stacked against Clinton in more ways than one, and lets just hope she'll end this dragging process and just drop out.

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