Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Green" Stimulus plan

The stimulus plan has many different parts to it; to help boost the economy. The government is on the right track, not only are they adding more jobs and increasing the economy but there going green. In this day and age global warming and climate change are very serious. Many believe in global warming and some don’t, but everyone recognizes the need for renewable energy (so does the government).

Obama has spoken on this green part of the stimulus package. Two and half million jobs (+/-) are the unexpected outcome from just the green projects of the stimulus plan. The government is allocating a large sum of money (billions) to weatherize homes throughout America. Weatherizing homes means making them more energy efficient, so millions of American’s energy bills are lowered. So weatherizing will not only create jobs for Americans but cut there energy bills.

Green investments through the stimulus package will amount somewhere near 15 billion dollars, but another big part of the green plan is tax cuts. Homes that use solar energy, wind energy or other renewable energies will be allocated tax cuts. This is a great thing; many people will probably start using renewable energy on there homes, and that will majorly cut costs of energy bills for them and give them money on tax returns. (Businesses will also be entitled to this)

Grants are another part of the green stimulus plan. Grants will be given to companies or groups that are creating renewable energy (or green) projects. I believe this is a great thing, and that this will work. Many government members are skeptical as to if this will be effect. It should and most likely will be; making homes, business etc... more energy efficient is the future. More and more companies, groups, homes are going green; people are noticing the advantages of green and also the environmental aspects of it. Glacier national park had 150 glaciers, now there’s only 50; this says a lot and going green will help out with global warming problems (especially since America is a large contributor to co2 emissions).

This will also help the auto-industry out. Grants will be given for creating green cars or more energy efficient cars. Smart grids are also anther part of this green chunk. Smart grids will be placed on homes around America; these smart grids will help with the amount of energy used and cuts energy costs. Another part of the green plan caught my eye. Grants will be given for projects in clean coal. I looked into this and it is huge. America has over half of the world’s coal mines. Coal is a good source of energy but it is dirty. Liquefying coal is much safer and can be used to heat homes, business, hospitals, building etc… Why not use a resource we have here in America. If clean coal can be produced and effective it will open millions of jobs for Americans. This is a brief outlook to the green part of the stimulus plan; much more is included.

1 comment:

K.Milligan said...

I agree with the ideas of alternative energy especially with cars. Not only are there alternative sources of gas that can be used, hybrid cars are also a better alternative. I just did a group project on alternative sources of energy and transportation and we covered all the areas you can. I really feel that this is the best time to go green and I think more and more people are starting too. Even if it is something small, any contribution to going green can have a major impact on our environment. I think that by far, cars and gasoline are one of the biggest problems that need to be fixed.