Thursday, March 18, 2010

Obama will be a one term president

Barring a complete reversal of the way President Obama is currently running his administration, Obama will be a one term president. Even if we ignore all of the recent polls showing significant drops in both his approval and the Democratic parties, the writing is still on the wall. We will ignore these poll results since we are just under 3 years away from the next presidential election and everyone knows that public opinion can change within a few weeks time. What we can't ignore however are President Obama's legislative priorities and lack of fiscal conservativeness.

Whats that? You say President Bush wasn't any better when it came to spending? I'll give you that President Bush was bad...but Obama is worse, and he's only had one year in office so far compared to Bush's eight. According to CNSNews and the last CBO report Bush averaged 20.4% spending of the GDP. Obama? Try 24.1% of GDP. That's a 3.7% increase in just one year! On top of that the the government under Obama had a deficit of 1.412 TRILLION dollars, compared to the previous high in 2008 of 458.5 billion dollars. While I'll give you that some of the spending during his 2009 term was carry over from President Bush's administration, Obama was still responsible for signing the $787 billion stimulus package, and with unemployment continuing to grow, that money was obviously not well spent. So lets go ahead and throw out the 2009 numbers for a minute since some of that was from President Bush's administration. Instead lets look at the projected numbers for the 2010 budget. 1.5 TRILLION dollars...not only is it not going down, he's actually managed to increase it over the previous year.

Now I'm like most people who think we spend too much money on health care, and I'd love to see some kind of reform in the system. However, I don't believe the time for that reform is now. President Obama's current health care reform, in his own words, is only projected to reduce the deficit over the next decade. That reduction in deficit is only in the billions over that time period. So here he is spending 1.5 trillion a year while at the same time touting that his health care reform bill will save us 200+ billion over the next 10 years. WOW, that's some kind of savings there! Sarcasm aside, President Obama needs to change his priorities over the next 3 years if he wants to even think of having a bid for reelection. Health care reform needs to happen, but not until after the economy is back on the mend and the unemployment rate goes down. I agree people are having a tough time paying for health insurance, but that's probably because over 10% of the population is jobless right now. Hard to pay for something when your out of work.

President Obama, you need to focus on the economy and unemployment rate, THEN you can move on to your social reforms.


Micius said...

I think you underestimate Americans ability to ignore issues when determining whether they support a candidate or not. Approval polls can change as you say and if America pulls out of the recession during Obama's term, many will credit him for the recovery. If Americans feel they're in a good place and that their wallets are secure, they will support the status quo.

$200,000,000,000 is not a drop in the bucket. If his legislation will save Americans .2 trillion in debt, power to it. If it will only reduce our debt for a decade, that gives us 10 years to reform it and extend those savings. America needs to be practical. America needs to raise taxes and cut spending. This is a beginning, many more cuts needs to be made.

SHamilton1 said...

I agree with Micius I really do think your underestimating how much Americans ignore issues they can do it and they can do it very well. Obama is such a popular president like Micius said if we get out of the recession while he is still in office then most likely he will get re-elected and people will give him credit for getting us out of the recession. I just wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. It's way too early.

jamesgerman said...

Let me reiterate what has been said in the past two comments. Remember what percentage of Americans are informed versus the much larger number of people that vote based on opinion and not fact. Obama, as long as he is the Democratic candidate, will get the democrat vote, the African American vote, and probably the 18-25 vote; those are enough for him to be in the White House as long as Bush. However, this comment could very well become irrelevant come the supposed troop withdrawal from Iraq this August; that should help make or break his presidency thus far.

nwood3 said...

I think that you all are making a good point about jumping to conclusions because he still has a chance. However, I don't know how well he will do with getting us back on top where we were. So far during his term he has the reform and just been spending money that your government, people, and country does not have. I guess all i can say is....we will have to wait and see where his work is going and how it will effect us all to know if he will be elected for another term.

MACarone said...

President Obama got a raw deal when he came into office. He inherited an economy in a recession and a military budget that is larger than the rest of the world COMBINED. All of that was courtesy of the Bush administration. He has four years in office for a reason. He still has over two years in office remaining, so the verdict on his success or failure has a while until it comes to fruition.

فاطمة said...