Monday, March 28, 2011

Clear and Present Danger to Planned Parenthood

More and more talk within the House is circulating on the defunding Planned Parenthood, and along with the talk, seems to come more support. The entire issue behind state funding for Planned Parenthood is people's "moral dilemma" to help fund abortions; to most people, that's all that Planned Parenthood stands for, despite their huge efforts to educate and aid young women. According to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor: "the time has come to respect the wishes of the majority of Americans who adamantly oppose using taxpayer dollars for abortions." The "majority" of Americans, I would certainly be interested in seeing the actual numbers on this one, or else I call bull. They're reflecting their own beliefs onto others, and claiming that us sheep are in compliance with everything they say on the matter.

Planned Parenthood is a respectable establishment that does so much more than just perform abortions, those on the crusade against the organization act as though women waltz in and use abortions for birth control. “What’s clear to me, if you follow the money, you can actually take the funding supports out of abortion. We then have a much better opportunity to move forward to be a society that says yes to life.” Life, ah yes, something they're continually harping on, but wait, they're also interested in cutting funding to programs that help mothers in need, and more often than not they're the people using Planned Parenthood for a plethora of needs. The GOP, for the most part, couldn't careless about the children once they're born, they're too interested in the "sanctity of life," and yanking away a woman's choice.

Also argued within the link that I found states: "cutting off support for millions of women's health clinics would cut off their ability to perform the procedure." Actually, if you stopped to think about these actions you'd understand that the number of unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and neglected children will probably skyrocket. Women have a choice, and Planned Parenthood provides them with the means to make that decision. I cannot understand how taking that away will move this country in the right direction. The work that Planned Parenthood does is provide the means and the information to remains sexually safe, but allows women a place to go for abortion services if necessary.

To state it simply, I am beyond frustrated that our "leaders" are attempting to push their morals and ideals on the country, when in fact, these issues should not even come onto the table in the Senate. Show me the "majority" that believes what you do, and possibly, I'll understand.

The Attack on Planned Parenthood


Molly said...

The idea that defunding Planned Parenthood will make abortions go away is utterly absurd. The real goal is to attack contraception access, which I view as an attack on women in general. Many of women's social gains have been made due to reliable and safe contraceptive options, and if this goes away, women will be forced to bear more children than they could possibly want, and this will lead to "back alley" abortions, unwanted children in foster care, and general misery

dabennett said...

I completely agree. I do not think taking away funding for Planned Parenthood will make abortions disappear. They will be more unsafe and women will become more desperate to do it illegally. Planned Parenthood is not all about abortions. They help with STD s and forms of contraception. Many women cannot afford to go to a doctor to get tested. Not only do they handle a woman's health problems, they also attend to male sexual health as well.

jmfarrell said...

I agree with you cutting the funds for Planned Parenthood will not stop abortions from occurring. This is limiting the ability of women to choice, if this does occur and they are able to defund Planned Parenthood things will not end well.

JM said...

Many people can find a use for Planned Parenthood. Whether that be in the form of contraception or dealing with an unexpected pregnancy. The backlash to removing such a service would be a drastic escalation in births. Because the people with moral issues that demand others to conform to the same standard are the same people who rant that the world already has an overpopulation problem and it is necessary to reduce the numbers, it seems they are torn between forcing the population in one direction or the other.

kpbrack said...

This is a slippery slope for me. I do not, by any means, support abortion or the establishments that perform abortions, but things aren't so cut and dry here. Planned Parenthood provides sou much in the forms of sexual education and treatment for women that abortions and unwanted pregnancies that may lead to abortions would surely increase.

elmorgani said...

I agree, and I also think that the quote about saying yes to life is very contradicting. Taking funding away from a body that supports women's health and reproductive freedoms will only do more harm to the lives that we bring into this world. Lack on contraception and less support for abortions will undoubtedly lead to a generation of children with a poor family life, lack of finances, and poor nutrition. Most babies who are aborted are aborted for a reason that is viable. The consequences of having children born into this world with mothers who cannot raise them properly leads to a whole other problem of higher rates of welfare, less educated women, and women going to unestablished places to abort regardless of sanitation and safety. While I am not sure about funding the entire abortion, they should make them more affordable. People without insurance can pay incredibly high prices and usually wont go through with it because of the price. However the cost of raising a child until it is an adult averages out to be a million dollars. Education is one of Planned Parenthoods primary goals defunding this would only harm our country's women.