Sunday, March 2, 2014

Can we just live in harmony?

Why do we feel so strongly against a person who is different from us? Like the saying says "opposites attract" but in this day and age almost all people we give our attention to share common interest? Think to yourself if someone walking into a coffee shop and sparked  a conversation with you but had all opposite views. Would you still talk to them? Would you persecute them? Would you stereotype them and call them names". But now think of it like this "why cant we love people for who they are as a person not if they are homosexual or not"? Will Arizona law be changed?


Unknown said...

To whom it may concern,

I appreciate the progression of this writing.

It might be discrimination of the gender to be a believer of God as man and not love man.

Thank you for your insight of judgement,


Unknown said...

To whom it may concern,

I will not be able to contribute to this blog as I am not a student of our professor's lectures. You can view your comments and my blog post at my new blog:

Thank you,


simon ciza said...

This is a great point. I feel like some people in today's world prefer animals rather than people who are different from them in term of race, gender, religion or any other race you can think of. people need to know this world wouldn't be a better place if we all look alike.
This how i just feel like don't get me wrong people!!!!

Unknown said...

We do seem to judge people and be harsh on people that have different views form ourselves. I believe many people do put away their differences but a lot of people simply cannot.