Donald Trump is rushing to clear up his position and view in regards to abortions after the upheaval that started after his remark last Wednesday. Donald Trump mentioned his support for bans on abortions, even stating that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions. This comment, as expected, caused an uproar by the people of the United States, especially when abortion is such a large and problematic topic.
Yet, less than three hours later Donald Trump scrambled to correct himself stating that not women, but doctors who perform abortions (if congress outlaws it) would be punished. Donald Trump then continued, stating “The woman is a victim in this case as is the life in her womb. My position has not changed — like Ronald Reagan, I am pro-life with exceptions.”
Ronald Reagan in 1967, signed the Therapeutic Abortion Act, after only a few months as governor within California (he believed that these abortions would only be allowed under certain circumstances). Immediately after this Act was signed the number of abortions within California rose greatly. This caused Reagan not only regret, but a sense of guilt, resulting in Reagan recognizing a mistake in major legislation. Reagan then soon after became strictly pro-life stating that abortion was wrong in every instance (except very rare occasions when it might be necessary to save the mother’s life). He even wrote "Abortion and the Conscience of Nation" a book regarding pro-life views. Donald Trump in 1999 stated to the Press “I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors”, while today he mentions his disgust and hate towards it. To sum it up, Ronald Reagan never agreed with abortion regardless of the act that was signed (everyone makes mistakes), while Donald Trump at one point strongly believed in pro-choice.
Now I am not saying that Donald Trump is not allowed to change his views after many years, he can of course, but he mentions how abortion is “disgusting” one moment, and then states how great planned parenthood is for other aspects the next. How can someone who hates abortion so much say anything good regarding planned parenthood and ignore that, in 2014 they performed 327,653 abortions, the equivalence to one every 90 seconds (so much for abortions being a tiny part of it huh, Donald?). Donald Trump then continues on how wonderful planned parenthood is but that he also wants to defund it. In regards to this topic, personally I believe that Donald Trump is just lost and confused. He mentions one thing and then states the other and in regards to Wednesday's comment, it shows exactly how he jumps into saying things and soon recants and says something different.
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