Tuesday, March 29, 2016

North Carolina Trans Gender Law Raises Eyebrows

North Carolina Trans Gender Law Raises Eyebrows

In recent Political News.......... The state of North Carolina is being sued for passing a law that "makes it illegal for men and boys who pose as females to use women’s shower rooms and restrooms throughout the state". This bill also made it so municipalities can't pass non discriminatory bills aimed at advancing the transsexual agenda. 

In other words, 

The state of North Carolina thinks it shouldn't be allowed for a men, who changes to female, to use a woman's bathroom or shower room. Personally, I don't see what is wrong with this. The state has an obligation to the safety of it's citizens. I don't feel as if the state is targeting the groups, but protecting gender equality regardless of the fact of a sexual change that has taken place. I feel as if this is a very understanding bill that should be passed in every state. Doubt it will due to the commotion that North Carolina has caused. These issues are becoming greater and greater as the transsexual world expands. Soon were going to have to accompany for prisons, work place environments, and many other aspects of equality rights for something that would be completely unheard of 20 years ago. 

But WHO cares about my views? certainly North Carolina doesn't. They are probably more concerned with the corporate monsters who have shunned them because of this bill. 

With SO much confusion about gender nowadays, it is going to be much more difficult to identify people. This raises many issues, and makes discrimination that much harder to define. Somewhere a fine line has to be drawn, someone cant certainly be of "two sexes". It's just weird to me how these issues were not even thought of 20 years ago, But then America recognizes same sex marriage, Bruce Jenner becomes a female, and then two people want to bring the state of North Carolina to court because of where they have to be told where to go to the bathroom. I think this case is a waste of tax payers dollars in the state of NC, but i'm sure the judge will grant the civil union the case, and once again, the LGBT community will have risen again. I just think we live in such a watered down country. What happened to the days where kids wanted to aspire and be astronauts, firefighters, actors, etc.  Now girls want to grow up to be guys, and guys want to grow up to be girls. It's just hard for me to wrap my head around. 


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1 comment:

Unknown said...

First of all, I just want to say that there is a difference between "sex" and "gender." An individual's sex is based on the organs they were born with, while an individual's gender is based on the individual's association with either females or males. The former is based on biological differences; the latter on social and cultural differences.

With that said, transgender people a, by definition, the gender they associate with. Transgender people don't just decide to change genders. They are born and are assumed to be the same gender as their sex, but sometimes, gender and sex are not the same.

While I can understand that there might be individuals out there who are so twisted mentally that they would pretend to be a transgender individual just to get into a women's bathroom to assault women. However, anyone who is willing to do that would probably be willing to do that without pretending because, as I said, they are messed up individuals. Transgender people are NOT predators. They are people, just like any other person, whether their sex and gender agree. Yes, there are bad people in any sort of group or culture, but transgender people should not be generalized as bad people, just like Caucasian individuals shouldn't be generalized as racist bigots.

In conclusion, North Carolina is not 'protecting the people,' but rather harming the social and cultural change that has taken place in the past few decades. Denying an individual their right to gender acceptance is not okay and should not be allowed in any state.