Monday, April 11, 2016

What does Politically Correct mean today?

             To be politically correct is to be "in modern usage, is used to describe language, policies, or measures which are intended not to offend or disadvantage any particular group of people in society" But what happens when in todays society everything said seems to offend someone? Growing up through the 90's and well as the ever changing new millennium I have noticed the evolution of the phrase "politically correct" and can't help but wonder if that even exists anymore.

               It seems that whatever stance, opinion, or speech is given by a presidential candidate the next day there is some news story on a population of people that claim to be personally offended it. And I have to wonder if this has to do with the millennium generation becoming a more present force in the political world. Over the years whether it be at school, a sporting event, a job, etc it appears that more people are becoming offended by more things. I feel as if our generation was coddled, raised under the impression that everything someone else says should not offend them, or go against their beliefs or opinions. But realistically in what world are people never going to be offended? In what world are people always going to agree on controversial issues all the time? In what world are all people going to agree on what is and isn't politically correct to say. 

            An article that really stood out to me when researching this topic was and article published by the Washington Post, titled "How politically correct went from a compliment to and insult." The author used multiple examples of political figures using the phrase "politically correct" in a sentence, and as you can imagine they are very different. For example Lyndon B Johnson is quoted as saying "I'm here to tell you we are going to do those things which need to be done, not because they are politically correct, but because they are right." compared to George H.W Bush quoted as saying "The notion of political correctness has ignited controversy across the land. And although the movement arises from the laudable desire to sweep away the debris of racism and sexism and hatred, it replaces old prejudice with new ones.” From 1964-1991 the presidential opinion of being politically correct seems to completely change direction.

        So in todays world  what does it even meant to be ''politically correct". There are feminists, republicans, liberals, pro-choice, pro-life, pro-gay, anti-gay, libertarians, etc. So how is it possible to voice ones political views and not "offend" anyone? I am in no way saying it is okay to blatantly discriminate, or hate on another group, but may seem to be offended by the simple presence of an opposing opinion. Why is it we can't handle hearing the other side without being personally offended? Why is it that only white people can be racist? Why is it that men can have such huge opinions on women's contraceptive options, and abortion? Why do we care if men marry men and women marry women? Does the concept of being "politically correct" even exist in a world where everything offends someone?



Anonymous said...

I think this is a great post, it definitely resonates with my thoughts on the term, as well as giving some great background information and quotes as well. I also believe that this blog sheds light on a lot of other blogs that have been posted and their strong opinions on what candidates have said and what they believe about them. Great post!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed this post a lot. It seems that political correctness has just gotten very out of hand. I agree, it has almost come to the point where being PC is seen as an insult rather than a compliment. PC usage can do a lot of good, but it does nothing for millennials to shed the label of coddled or soft. I want to sometimes be a social justice warrior but I often find it really annoying as well.

Unknown said...

I agree with this post. I see being politically correct as just not being blatantly rude or ignorant towards others, but I know others see the term in a more egalitarian way. Millennials often get blamed for PC culture, but I don't really think that's fair. Everyone just wants to be addressed and acknowledged for who they actually are and political correctness tries to do that. However, people can be easily offended and use political correctness as the reason why they are offended which can just simply be annoying.

Kelsey Dustin said...

The problem with saying anything in 2016 is that you will likely offend someone, no matter what it is that you say. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I honestly think that people just like to have something to complain about. Or that by causing a stir that gains national news, that person is getting their 15 minutes. I try not to follow these things on the news too much because then I just find myself mad all the time when I think about it. I find it ridiculous when one person is offended by something a teacher says and then suddenly people are calling for the teacher’s resignation. People’s lives and careers are being ruined because others feel entitled to react to the fullest extent when something upsets them. Now, I know that sometimes people seeking justice for another’s actions are justified, that’s not what I’m talking about. As I am typing this, I am trying to figure out how to word it with out offending someone. What a vicious cycle…

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