Monday, April 30, 2007

$400.00 Haircuts!...Sure!!... Why not?!

It is costing Senator John Edwards quite a bit of money to keep his school boy appearance. He recently paid $400 a piece for two haircuts while campaigning in Iowa. It turned out that the way he paid for the bills was with his campaign money. When the stylist sent him the bill, it was sent to the campaign, and paid for by mistake. Edwards states that it was an honest mistake, and that he is putting the money back into the campaign. When asked why he paid so much for his looks, he replied that it was simply because the stylist had to come to him to cut it, and that his schedule was just too busy for him to leave.

As you all know, campaiging is a very dirty game. It is a long and strenuous process that not everyone can handle. When a candidate makes a msistake like this, it does not go unnoticed for very long. Other candidates love to see slip ups, and no one enjoys it more than the media. I am sure that most people will agree that it was a silly mistake, and that a multi millionaire like John Edwards was not stealing money from his own campaign to fund his lavish hair cuts. However, everyone and anyone will make the story sound as though he is an evil and sneaky man who cannot be trusted. I believe that it is unfair that every little thing these candidates do is scrutinized by all of the American people. It is unfortunte that instead of everyone focusing on his plans to revitalize rural america, they are more concerned with his hair stlye.

These candidates know to expect anyhting and everything while on this long and dangerous journey, so I am sure he will get through this with no problems. It is just sad to see the truth of the matter. Instead of focusing on what really matters in this country, people find themselves spending more time on irrelevant issues such as this. Also, do not feel left out New Hampshire residents, Mr. barbie doll also left his beauty mark in Manchester, NH where he spent $225.00 in Mancester, NH at Sapphire whcih is a boutique for women!


professorf said...

Maybe he bought something for his fantabulous, courageous, excellent wife?

professorf said...

Oh yeah--i was watching a show about hair stylists--Meg Ryan's haircut--or what I would call When Hair Met Lawnmower...would cost you $650. to get from the woman who "created" that style! $200. doesn't sound so bad....

Anonymous said...

I think the Mr. Barbie doll line was superflous. If you think that we shouldn't get derailed by things such as this, why did you chose to comment on it?
Why not comment on Mr. Edward's stance on foreign affairs, or Senator Obama's stance on the Occupation in Iraq?

Anonymous said...

You are no doubt too young to remember the 1960 Kennedy/Nixon debates on early television. Many credited Kennedy's tanned, handsome appearance with his eventual win over Richard Nixon, who sported a a bad five o'clock shadow and ill-fitting clothing. Few subsequent politicians have made Nixon's mistake. Edwards correctly realizes that people do make snap judgments based solely on appearance, and it is in his best interest to look well-groomed at all times during endless public appearances. Finally, given his hectic schedule and his wife's recent health problems, I wouldn't begrudge him these small luxuries.

Anonymous said...

I'd enjoy seeing a run down on what other politcians, inlcuding the present administration, pay for clothes, haircuts,and other personal grooming items.

My understanding is that the bill was initially sent in error to the campaign, but was actually supposed to be, and eventually was, a personal expense for John Edwards, and included travel expenses to have the stylist come directly to him--- which is not unreasonable given the logistics of a high-profile candidate's schedule.

Does anyone know if it is custom for folks in the Executive branch to have haircuts, tailors, manicures, etc on the *tax payer's* dime? Or do they foot the personal bill for clothing and shaves and other such services?

redlami said...

I'd much rather a president who can admit error, whether it's a haircut or an Iraq War vote, than one who says God tells him what to do and then sticks with it no matter how horrible the consequences.