Monday, April 16, 2007

Don Imus

I was just wondering about how everyone feels about his punishment towards what he said. For those who dont know Don Imus is a very famous radio person who made racial coments towards the Rutgers girls basketball team. His punishment was that he lost his job with CBS. People are saying the main reason why he lost his job is because many of the sponsors where going to take back what they where giving to CBS if he still was employed there. I think that after what he said he should not be able to be on the radio again because he should not promote racism over the radio. I just was wondering how you felt about this topic and if his apology was enough?


Bigboy13 said...

I feel that his punishment was completely fair and should have been done sooner. NCAA sports are for college students who have a passion for the game. They do not get paid to preform their sport. On the other hand NBA and WNBA players get paid to be in the national spot light and are critized everyday by the national media. These students play the sport for fun and people enjoy watching them play. This gives Imus no right to say the racial slurs towards these women who are going to college in order to earn a degree so that they can get a job after school. Imus is a radio personnality whose job it is to entertain listeners. It is not his job to insult young women in college.

srugis said...

I feel what Don Imus said was very inappropriate but I think CBS was wrong on firing him. He apologized to the team “Imus: 'I've apologized enough', and to the United States. He even went as far as talking to Reverend Al Sharpton (who sticks his nose in where it doesn’t belong, who also takes anything white people say to be ‘racist’) would anybody do this? No. So I think he should still be on the air, but wait a couple of weeks for all of this to calm down. “Somewhere we must draw the line in what is tolerable in mainstream media,” Sharpton said. Yet we have plenty of examples of African Americans rapping about this and yet is there anything done against them? No. Examples such as Ludicris “Hoes in my Room” or “Ho” or such as Snoop Dogg “Can you Control yo ho?” And yet this is not offienisve to the public? I just don’t get it. It’s singling him out. Since he got in trouble and fired then anyone who says these kinds of things should be fired as well, or whatever course they need to do to get rid of them. To do this it Imus is not fair and its reverse discrimination.

Unfortunately today’s world is all about being PC or Political Correct and when someone isn’t the media and everyone harps down on that person and creates this media frenzy. I think it has ruined everything for us. You can’t say anything with out being ‘racist’, ‘sexist’ etc. It’s just ridiculous. And I believe that if Don Imus stayed the sponsors would leave because of his remarks, which is understandable but I don’t think should happen. And then CBS would lose millions of dollars, so I can see why CBS fired him. Even with him gone CBS now needs to replace 15 million dollars in revenue from firing him. So good luck to them.

Anonymous said...

I think his firing was completely appropriate. His comments were hurtful to the female students who are keeping up their grades and staying out of trouble while involved in college sports and trying to get an education. I have two daughters in college. If Imus publicly called them "white cracker sluts" for no reason, you can bet I'd be looking for his hide.