Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Student Body President Debate

As I sit here at the Hartman Union Building I am watching the debate of the year here at Plymouth State University. Here this will directly relate to how our political parties work on the larger scale. We have seen clearly here at the university there have been political differences within the university itself. Some of the issues that were addressed here at the debate are some of the same issues that we have tried to discuss for years now. Candidates Sean Greenlaw, Dustin Siggins, and Trevor Chandler will bring up great topics throughout this debate. Some of the issues that are being addressed are improving zoning and university relations. Trying to get textbook prices down, sodexho dining services here on campus, as well as make sure that we are the cheapest school here in the state. Also another issue that was addressed was to promote the campus as a whole within the state.

Balance of life and President. Each candidate has said that they would make the Presidency a large part of their life. Trying to make the Presidency available to the public having it be an important day to day aspect. The balance of the presidency will come with an aspect of a Presidents commission. This commission was brought up by candidate Sean Greenlaw. All candidates have stated that the presidency would be an affective role and an interactive role.

Working with their Vice-Presidents was addressed by all of the candidates. Each candidate said that they would fully work with their Vice Presidents. They would seek their advice and their effectiveness. Dustin Siggins said that although people have criticized him on the issue of gender identity. He addressed this issue saying that his Vice-Presidential candidate Alex Ward effectively agreed with this legislation that came to the Student Senate.

Relationship with their administration is an important issue that was brought up at this debate. Candidate Chandler said that their relationship would fully depend on the fact of respect. It is this relationship that it so delicate and fragile that we respect it. Siggins has said that it not only agreeing with the administration but disagreeing with the administration. This shows that issues are not just complacent. Greenlaw said that he would maintain his relationship with the current administration.

Military recruiters on this campus are a hot button issue. This issue was taken up by Sean Greenlaw who said that a compromise has been reached. He said that a sign would be posted saying that the Senate does not agree with this organization because they discriminate. Candidate Siggins said that he believes that students can have these groups here on campus to accelerate people’s careers. Candidate Chandler says that he does not believe in discrimination. The army clearly discriminates.

Access to the President was well defined by candidate Chandler. He said that he has pushed for the Student Senate meetings to be put on our local access channel. This is an important issue as well as staying in touch with different clubs from ALSO to the Auto Club.

The moratorium of the Greek Life was addressed throughout the debate. This issue was also addressed to how their community service truly helps with our campus. We should support Greek Life and how they have helped our community grow. How these Greek Life affect our community. Siggins was the only candidate that didn’t swallow the “ethanol” type promise here at Plymouth State University. He stood up against the other two candidates to defy that Greek Life should stay present on this campus.

The textbook prices are outlandish. However, some of the candidates did believe that we should have a working relationship with our books store. Siggins, however, recommended a website Chandler said that Professors should have a list of their books as well how much these books would cost the average student. Chandler has said that he has represented ALSO and other groups at the state level. Trying to stay and contact with all of our legislators in Concord. This will be a individual and group effort that we bring towards the legislature. The USNH summit has come up over and over again something that has been mentioned throughout the debate. This summit is something that we need to succeed and make a reality. Candidate Chandler agreed that we need to include our state legislature. As well as we should increase the federal funding.

A Bio-Diesel relationship Chandler has been brought up. Chandler wants this relationship to grow in the town and the University as a whole. Greenlaw wants to meet with the campus community council, the town council, and other town administrations. He wants to improve relations on and off campus. Siggins brought up changing the zoning regulation so that four unrelated people can live together. Greenlaw talked about maintaining our relationship with the town without forcing our ideas on the town or the town’s relationship with the University.

The issue of the Red Cross discrimination was brought up in a student question. Greenlaw addressed the fact that he couldn’t give blood but he said that he wouldn’t support the Red Cross’s discrimination. Although the Red Cross does great work in our communities throughout the state and on our campus. Siggins felt as though we should be allowed to donate blood to which ever organization we want. Chandler felt the same way that there is no reason why we should have people are dying over the issue of whose blood it is.

Siggins said that he would have all aspects of dealing with people brought into his dealings with The Clock. Chandler said that a Student Body President requires all points of tact and responsibility. Greenlaw addressed this issue saying “Oh Yes” having professionalism most of the time. He all said that he is Student Body President at all times.

This debate that has taken place is a debate that we have seen on a larger scale. Whether, it is a University, a town, or a country. Many of the same issues that were debated here today are topics that we are debating on a larger scale. These issues I’m glad were brought up here at this miniscule level. However, these topics are raised that need to be raised on the larger scale. It is innovative to me that these topics were brought up at this scale. Let us recognize these events on our campus as well as at our country.

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