Thursday, April 12, 2007

Stem Cell

Yes the Stem cell reaserch bill is not going to fly because the president will veto it. BUt with the passing of it in the senate it will over time show the president that more and more people are supporting this kind of bill. Because they see the dieses around them that can be cured. Usually almost all the republicans vote no for this bill. This time around 14 republicans voted yes for the bill. That is a huge number because usually the republicans are very much in favor of what the president says and he is going to veto it. When this bill comes up next time i think it will eventually get through because it will have a 2/3 vote and over ride the presidents veto. But we will see.

1 comment:

democratsox33 said...

I think your right. I think that this is a good margin of Republicans showing support for this bill. The President said that he will over ride this bill. Why? Well to appease the radical Christian right. This way he can veto this bill and appease them. This would raise his veto number to a tremendous two vetoes. I think this vote shows how many progressive Republicans there are in this vote. Obviously these Republicans wanted their names in the Congressional Record. I think personally Stem Cell Research is a vital piece of Science that we should explore. Even our last elections a state like Missouri passed a bill supporting the usage of funds to explore the Stem Cell technology. I think more states and people are adapting to the idea of Stem Cell Research.